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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a fire engine on a medical call?

When dispatched to a call the details can be limited on the situation that the Fire Department faces. For example, more often than not a patient’s located in an area that is going to require manpower to get the patient from a basement or even a bedroom and out to the ambulance. In the event that the patient is critical, having enough help there is crucial for the best possible outcome of the patient. For example: a patient in cardiac arrest will require 2 stations in the district to respond in order to perform all the life-saving functions for the best chances of a successful outcome. The reason for this is; our stations many times are only staffed with 3 rescuers which does not provide enough manpower to provide all the necessary life-saving functions performed quickly on these type of calls. Being prepared for any situation that we encounter is our goal. Having a fire engine on each call not only gives us the needed manpower, but also gives citizens the best protection in the common event that another call, fire or medical is dispatched at the same time. Having the engine crew there allows us the possibility to split crews if needed and respond to the second call. In addition, sometimes the closest station to an emergency does not have an ambulance available which makes the closest unit a fire engine. However, this is the best possible service since our fire engine is staffed with paramedics and medical equipment. This way the closest paramedics start lifesaving procedures in less than 4 minutes while the ambulance responds from another station for transport to the hospital. So when you see a fire truck and an ambulance in front of a home in our area, this means that a patient is receiving the very best and quickest care available. This is one reason Lone Peak’s survival rate in cardiac arrests is one of the highest in the country

We don't have any tall buildings in our area, why do we have such a large fire truck with a ladder & bucket?

Lone Peak Fire District covers an area that is extremely diverse. We have buildings and homes ranging from small to some of the largest in Utah. “Tower 201” as it is called has proven to be valuable tool. Tower 201 is a Ladder truck with the ability to stretch 105’ in all directions, not just vertical. It is designed for all types of rescues. With aerial water flow of up to 2000 gallons per minute it gives us the ability to protect structures from fire and to also attack fires from above. Often times in structure fires, firefighters need to access roofs of homes/buildings that are burning, the tower (or bucket)is a tool to keep our firefighters from undue risk and in the event of a rescue and gives us an advantage. Its vertical and horizontal reach is impressive. It gives us the ability to reach structures that cannot be easily accessed with a fire engine due to terrain or vegetation. Tower 201 has 2 nozzles controlled from the bucket which is one of the best way to protect structures from oncoming wildfires (see images below). Tower 201 also gives us some very unique rescue abilities for swift water rescues in the canyon (see pic). It also can reach third story balconies in fire rescue where most ground ladders cannot reach (see pic). The “bucket type” truck is especially favorable in bringing small children or elderly people down from balconies or windows in a fire rescue. Regular ladder trucks can be very frightening for fire victims to climb down, especially during slippery and icy conditions. We are very fortunate to have such a versatile and useful vehicle to protect the lives and property of our citizens. Most fire departments in the state do not have one of these vehicles.

Why do we always see the fire department at the grocery store?

Lone Peak Fire District, like most career fire departments, operates on a 48-96 rotation with three shifts. What this means is that our full time staff works 48 hours straight then another crew comes on for their 48 hour shift and so on. We supplement our full time staff with part time staff who work 24hr shifts. Because we live at the station for the duration of the respective shifts we work, each of the three cities that comprise the Lone Peak Fire District (Alpine, Highland, & Cedar Hills) has a staffed station 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. While the firefighters are on duty they decide as a crew what they will cook for meals and then go to the store to shop for the day. Because of this, and the fact that we have three staffed stations, it may appear that we are always at the store when in reality it is three different crews from the same department. Meals are generally not shared between the stations in an effort to keep staff in their respective areas to respond to calls as quickly as possible. We take the vehicles we respond in with the full crew everywhere we go. What this means is when an emergency call comes in while at the store, we do not waste valuable time rushing back to the fire station to retrieve the right vehicle. This would waste valuable minutes which could hamper our ability to save lives and homes in an emergency.

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